High gasoline prices have drivers searching for any way possible to reduce their fuel consumption. Fortunately that are techniques that exist to help. Most of these methods are cost free. Drivers who make some effortless alterations will soon find themselves saving money.
There are many new products that claim they will reduce your gas consumption. Most of these products have not demonstrated that they can back up their claims. Environmental Protection Agency testing of these commodities has failed to find any that increase gas mileage as promised. Also these products are often expensive. This is why it is best to approach reducing fuel consumption by implementing practices that are common sense.
One of these common sense approaches is to re-evaluate your use of your vehicle's air conditioning unit. You will most probably have noticed that your engine is not as responsive when the air conditioning is on. An air conditioning unit draws a considerable amount of power from the engine to operate. Along with that draw on the engine power, the air conditioner will also lower your gas mileage.
The answer to these unfavorable outcomes is to turn off your air conditioning except when it is unavoidable. You might find yourself warmer in your vehicle then in the past, but the increased gas mileage will be welcome. You will find the extra savings at the gas pump well worth the sacrifice of air conditioning.
There are also options available to help cool you down. Try to plan your trips during the early morning or evenings if possible. Avoid driving during the hottest part of the day when the sun is at its highest and temperatures have risen. This will prevent you from the temptation to switch on the air conditioning.
There is also the old-fashioned method of cooling your car's interior. Roll down the windows! This will give you a pleasant flow of air circulating the interior. Higher speeds will produce a stronger airflow that should suffice to keep you comfortably cool on days when the heat is oppressive.
It is true that the drag created by having your windows rolled down can negatively impact your fuel consumption. However, the gas burned will not equate to the amount of gas you would use if the air conditioning was on. To compensate for the slight increase in fuel consumption caused by the drag, you can slow your speed down five miles per hour.
While summer heat can be uncomfortable, the cost of gasoline has reached a height that is even more difficult to bear. It is clear that we need to find means of alleviating the financial burden this has placed on drivers. Do your best to avoid switching on the air conditioning for a trial period and you will see the obvious benefits. Then you will be convinced that leaving it off, making adjustments to the time of day you drive or simply rolling down the windows are all common sense ideas that will save you hard earned money the next time you need to fuel up.
Discover more about reducing gas expenses [http://www.savefuelmilage.com/reducing_gas_expenses_by_forming_a_car_pool.php] by forming a car pool as well as tips on saving money by driving slowly when you visit [http://www.savefuelmilage.com], the free resource portal on how to save gas money.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Todd_R._Bennett
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2628727
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