Monday, 11 November 2013

Fuel Conservation Tips

Even if you do not consider yourself an environmentalist, a little fuel conservation can really help not just the environment, but also your wallet! The price of petrol seems to always be on the rise. The best defense against rising gas prices is fuel conservation.
Map out a good plan of fuel conservation by following these helpful ways to conserve fuel:
Great fuel conservation starts before you even hit the road:
· Keep your vehicle properly tuned, and it can get from 6 to 20 percent better gas mileage.
· Keep your tires aligned and inflated properly. You should check your tire pressure once a month. Having tire pressures that are too low can increase your use of fuel by 3%
· Replace your air filter.
· If you are not using your roof-racks, take them off! They add to drag. Unnecessary weight in your car can also take away from good gas mileage (this does not mean that you can throw your sister out of the car to conserve fuel... although, it would help!)
· Another way to start good fuel conservation is to plan ahead. Combine your errands into one trip. Think about riding your bike, walking, riding the bus, or carpooling when possible and reasonable.
Fuel conservation can greatly be improved while you are driving or at the pump:
· Slow down! There is a reason why you coast to a gas station when your vehicle is on empty - you are not going to get to a gas station faster by driving faster when the faster you drive the more gas you use! In simpler terms, your fuel usage will greatly decrease when you are driving at speeds above 55 mph. Besides, you will have a safer drive when you slow down, too.
· Avoid rapid accelerating. In fact, you ought to let up on the accelerator (by driving slower), and when you use the accelerator, use it gently. There is a reason why it is called "stepping on the gas." The harder you step on the gas, the faster you use up your gas. Relax your driving style. Do not drive aggressively. Accelerate slowly. Driving aggressively can lessen your fuel conservation by 30-40 percent.
· Do not tailgate because it will lead to unnecessary braking and then acceleration.
· Do not idle. Modern cars no longer need to warm up to run.
· Turn off your car when you are waiting for someone.
· Your cruise control will add to your fuel conservation (of course, it is unreasonable to use it while just driving around town.)
· Your use of the air conditioner lessens your fuel economy, as well, especially if you use it at 40 mph or more. Why not just open the window to cool off? Park your vehicle in the shade.
· Using overdrive will lessen your fuel consumption while on the highway.
· Drive at the highest appropriate gear.
· While at the gas pump, use the lowest octane petrol suitable for your car - check your owner's manual.
· Fill up your car with gas early in the morning and on cooler days. The colder the gasoline is, the more compact it is... you will therefore end up getting more bang for your buck.
This may seem like a long road to fuel conservation, but even just doing a few of these things can really help improve your gas mileage. You could possible improve your fuel conservation by 40% or so by following some of these tips.
If all of these suggestions seem overwhelming, just take a few at a time. The road to great fuel conservation can be a long one. Most all of the tips that we have given as of yet can be found in greater detail at the U.S. Department of Energy.
All of the tips on fuel conservation that we have given you so far have to do with the vehicle that you already have. If you are planning on going out and buying a new vehicle, consider a vehicle that conserves fuel by design.
Check out the hybrids or smaller cars. A hybrid vehicle may cost more at the onset, but you will surely save money in the end, especially if gas prices continue to rise. If you do not need a ton of horsepower, abandon it - you will get better gas mileage.
The first step to fuel conservation is education, so congratulations for being interested! You have passed the first step. Now go out there and start conserving fuel!
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, the environment, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on cars and the environment, please visit Specialty Car Parts [].

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